
伦尼斯蒂芬森 named 推荐正规买球平台's 工作人员 Member of the Year

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按此放大,  伦尼斯蒂芬森, Director of 继续教育 Medical 项目, 被命名为中卡罗莱纳 社区 大学's 工作人员 Member of the Year for 2016-2017.


伦尼斯蒂芬森, Director of 继续教育 Medical 项目, 被命名为中卡罗莱纳 ... (更多)

01.03.2017管理员、教师 & 工作人员大学 & 社区大学一般

桑福德-莱尼·斯蒂芬森, Director of 继续教育 Medical 项目, 被命名为中卡罗莱纳 社区 大学's 工作人员 Member of the Year for 2016-2017.

Ms. 斯蒂芬森 is the college's nominee for the North Carolina 社区 大学 System's 2017 工作人员 Member of the Year Award.

"Ms. 斯蒂芬森 has proudly served Central Carolina 社区 大学 since July 2005,中国中交会会长杨志强博士说. T.E. 马尔尚. “她在这里的时候, she has used her talents to make valuable contributions to this 大学, 到可, 以及我们所服务的社区."

Dr. 马尚指出了一些美国女性. 斯蒂芬森's valuable contributions - she developed and built nine online/hybrid continuing education classes for the Virtual Learning 社区 that are available to all 58 North Carolina community colleges, she developed the first online Nurse Aide I Refresher course in North Carolina, she has implemented the Career and 大学 Promise Program for Nurse Aide I students in 推荐正规买球平台's three-county service area, she established a Spanish Nurse Aide I class to meet the educational needs of the Hispanic community, and she has collaborated with Campbell University to help its students obtain a Nurse Aide I Certification while attending regularly scheduled classes.

"Central Carolina 社区 大学 is proud to have Ms. 斯蒂芬森, who places great emphasis on the importance and responsibility of being the catalyst that helps students learn the skills needed to secure a job that will allow them to support themselves and their families,”医生说。. 马尔尚.

Dr. Pamela Gibson 塞内加尔, 推荐正规买球平台 Vice President of Economic and 社区 Development, says Ms. 斯蒂芬森 is the consummate professional. "Lennie was critical in opening up and now providing oversight for one of 推荐正规买球平台's newest facilities - the Harnett Health Sciences Center. It is a space that contains more than 50,000 square feet of classrooms and laboratories primarily dedicated to the education of future health care professionals,”医生说。. 塞内加尔.

“作为一名护士和教育工作者, Lennie is the paragon of dedication to ensuring that every health care professional under her responsibility knows and is able to perform all the responsibilities associated with their area of specialization,”医生说。. 塞内加尔. "Her standard for students completing programs under her responsibility is whether or not she would want them to care for herself or someone she loves. That standard is part of the culture of the program and has led to high pass rates among completers of our programs."

威廉R. Tyson, 推荐正规买球平台's Harnett County Provost, said he has seen firsthand Ms. 斯蒂芬森's commitment to 推荐正规买球平台 students, 教职员工, and to the communities the 大学 serves. "One of the guiding principles 推荐正规买球平台 has as a Learning 大学 is 'to never miss a chance to transform someone's life.' 伦尼斯蒂芬森 has embraced that principle as a 大学 leader. Her career at 推荐正规买球平台 has combined an 'old-school' work ethic with a passion for serving students and developing a positive student learning experience."

Margaret Roberton, Associate Vice President, Workforce 继续教育, N.C. 社区 大学 System, said of Ms. 斯蒂芬森: "I have had the opportunity to work with Lennie in a number of roles over the past ten years and have always been impressed with her dedication and passion for the mission of the community colleges. Lennie has consistently demonstrated a commitment to the development of students and support of industry not only for her college but across the state."

Ms. 斯蒂芬森 said she was humbled and surprised to learn she had been chosen as 工作人员 Person of the Year. "I only know one way to do a job well and that is to work hard at it. So, 话虽如此, I do not expect recognition for working hard to make things happen,女士说。. 斯蒂芬森. "I am very honored to be selected. It means a great deal to me that others appreciate the efforts I put forth to offer medical programming options that give people the skills they need to improve their quality of life."

Ms. 斯蒂芬森 received her Associate of Science in Nursing degree from Edison 社区 大学 in Florida. She received her Bachelor's in Management and her Master's in Management from National American University.

For more information on Central Carolina 社区 大学, visit www.预备.edu.