
推荐正规买球平台 honors Oscar and Elderlene 凯勒

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Click to enlarge,  奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 have created a legacy of care for others. Now, their legacy will continue through the 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒健康科学大楼在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院李县校园.

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奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 have created a legacy of care for others. Now, their legacy ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  中央卡罗莱纳社区大学董事会主席朱利安·菲尔波特(左)正在听奥斯卡·A. 凯勒小. (second from right) addresses the audience at the 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 Health Sciences Building Dedication.

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中央卡罗莱纳社区大学董事会主席朱利安·菲尔波特(左)正在听奥斯卡的演讲 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Pictured with 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. (坐着)是他的孩子们(站着,从左到右):朱迪·凯勒·诺曼、奥斯卡·A. "Buddy" 凯勒 III, and Linda 凯勒 Kelly.

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Pictured with 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. (seated) are his children (standing, left to right): Judy 凯勒 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  李县委员会主席艾米·达尔林普尔宣读了一份公告,宣布12月11日. 1, 2015, as 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. Day in Lee County. The City of Sanford also honored Mr. 凯勒 with a similar proclamation. Seated next to Chairman Dalrymple are Sanford Mayor Chet Mann and 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小.

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李县委员会主席艾米·达尔林普尔宣读了一份公告,宣布12月11日. ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  前北卡州务卿鲁弗斯·埃德米斯顿(右)与奥斯卡·a. 凯勒小. at the 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 Health Sciences Building Dedication ceremony.

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前北卡州务卿鲁弗斯·埃德米斯顿(右)与奥斯卡·a. 凯勒 ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  奥斯卡奖. 凯勒小. 家庭 was pictured at the 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 Health Sciences Building Dedication ceremony.

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奥斯卡奖. 凯勒小. 家庭 was pictured at the 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 Health ... (更多)

12.07.2015大学 & 社区大学 General基金会Facilities/Buildings

SANFORD - 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒 have created a legacy of care for others. Now, their legacy will continue through the 奥斯卡一个. 凯勒小. and Elderlene R. 凯勒健康科学大楼在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院李县校园.

It's certainly a deserved tribute, 考虑到凯勒夫妇多年来对学校和社区的慷慨. 考虑到凯勒夫妇多年来为他们的医疗设施和服务雇佣的医疗保健专业毕业生的数量,这也很合适.

An official ceremony recognizing this tribute was held Tuesday, Dec. 1, on the 推荐正规买球平台 Campus.

Among those present for the event were Mr. 凯勒 and his three children - 奥斯卡一个. "Buddy" 凯勒 III, Judy 凯勒 Normann and Linda 凯勒 Kelly, along with many of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There's even a great-great-grandchild.

Elderlene 凯勒 passed away in December 2014.

“今天我们在这里向奥斯卡·凯勒致敬,这一天是他的日子——小奥斯卡·凯勒. Day as declared by the Lee County Commissioners and the Sanford City Council," said Julian Philpott, Chairman of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees. 菲尔波特接着说,凯勒夫妇慷慨地在经济上、时间上和才能上支持了学院. “这种支持从未动摇过,我相信我们都在某种程度上受到了奥斯卡和埃尔德琳榜样的影响."

Among those honoring Mr. 凯勒分别是桑福德市长切特·曼恩和李县委员会主席艾米·达尔林普尔.

“我代表桑福德市和市长办公室,非常、非常为他感到骄傲. 凯勒," said Mayor Mann. "Today is your day and it is well deserved."

“我想先生。. 和夫人. 凯勒夫妇的一生为我们所有人树立了一个很好的榜样,”主席达尔林普尔说.

推荐正规买球平台 President Dr. T.E. 马尔尚 noted that the mark of a great man is not how much he accumulates, but how much he gives away. "During the 52 years that this college has been in existence, Mr. 凯勒 has been a supporter in every conceivable way," said Dr. 马尔尚. "Mr. 凯勒, 代表中央卡罗来纳社区学院的数千名学生, I say thank you. 我也代表成千上万的未来的人们,他们将通过这栋大楼,进入医疗保健领域的工作, I say thank you. We certainly appreciate everything that you have done ... this is certainly a highlight in the history of this college."

Mr. 凯勒 thanked those in attendance. "All of you are part of what this community is all about ... 我爱这个社区大学,我爱北卡罗来纳州的桑福德和李县. I'm extremely proud of everything we've ever done," he said.

Mr. 凯勒在进步杂货店开始了他的职业生涯,并进入了桑福德商学院. He met and married Mary Elderlene Roseman. They had $26 between the two of them the day they got married. 他们一起开始了他们的生活,在她91岁去世之前,他们已经结婚73年了. 他有三个孩子,9个孙子,25个曾孙和一个曾曾孙.

Mr. 凯勒 has been a pioneer in 业务 and civic organizations in Lee County. 他创办了该州第一家养老院之一,持有北卡罗来纳州养老院管理执照,并成为桑福德·杰杰斯的特许成员,这些都是他对李县的愿景和热爱的一些例证. 他对李县数千名老人的关心和照顾为他提供了有价值的事业和家族事业. 他像对待自己的家人一样关心每一位居民,而且他已经94岁了,还在工作, he can identify with many issues facing the elderly population.

他的无私和有时匿名奉献和捐赠给个人和组织,如中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, the Bread Basket, the Boys and Girls Club, Cameron Boys Home, Louisburg 大学, 基督教青年会, 以及众多当地教堂和慈善机构表明他致力于帮助改善他人的生活和李县的整体生活水平. 通过他在州和联邦层面的联系,他在许多方面帮助了李县.

夫人. 凯勒 was a graduate of Sanford High School, Sanford Business 大学, and Central Carolina 社区 大学 (nursing). 她和丈夫在各种专业医疗保健事业中并肩工作.

女儿琳达·凯勒·凯利说:“对两位非常值得的人来说,这是多么伟大的认可啊。. "Dad had a vision of building and operating a nursing home, which became one of the first in this state. My Mom thought he was a dreamer, but she helped him implement his vision. 银行不会贷款给他们,他们真正成为白手起家的个人的缩影. Nights and days were filled with continuous work, 正如看门人, 烹饪, 管家, or whatever was needed. 三个孩子在养老院长大,并很快成长为负责任的成年人.

"During this time, 妈妈回到大学,进入了中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的第一个护理班. 这两个人不知疲倦地工作,为照顾老人做出了许多牺牲. It is truly a hard job, but they made many friends along the way. I thank them for giving me their values, which includes a strong faith, good work ethic, and sincere love of work, 家庭, 和朋友."

凯勒夫妇是中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会的第一批捐款人,他们雇佣了许多中央卡罗来纳社区学院的毕业生. Their grandson, Jamie Kelly, has served as a 推荐正规买球平台 Trustee. Their grandson, 凯尔Normann, 是推荐正规买球平台基金会的前任董事会成员,并与学院和基金会合作多年

杰米·凯利说,他的祖父母灌输给他一种家庭和社区服务的意识,正是这种意识塑造了他今天的样子. "I am so proud of their accomplishments in 家庭, 业务, and community, and this naming recognition that will honor them forever. It's truly fitting for two of the finest of Lee County," he said.

凯尔Normann said the recognition for his grandparents is a great honor. “这温暖了我的心,因为我知道桑福德和李县对他意味着什么,”诺曼说. “我的祖母毕业于这里的护理专业,她对这个专业和它的毕业生有着强烈的热情. This honor would make her very proud."

诺曼说,是他的祖父让他开始了推荐正规买球平台基金会. "He's always had a passion for that," said Normann. “他一直认为社区大学在社区中发挥了巨大的作用."

奥斯卡一个. “巴迪”凯勒三世指出,健康科学大楼的命名仪式对整个家庭来说是值得骄傲的一天.

新的健康科学大楼是2014年11月李县选民批准的四个大学债券项目之一. 项目计划于2016年12月开工,2018年3月完工.