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按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Dean of Student Leaning Brian Merritt (left) helps freshman Osman Sbaiti, 少不了的, sign up for tutoring in chemistry at the college's Academic Assistance Center on its Lee County Campus. The college has just been awarded a five-year, $1.美国政府拨款6500万美元.S. 教育部 to expand its efforts in maximizing student success, 留用与毕业. 拨款资助的项目, 'The MAP to Higher Achievement: Maximizing Academic Persistence,' will pilot in the spring and summer semesters and be implemented in fall 2013.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Dean of Student Leaning Brian Merritt (left) helps freshman Osman ... (更多)

09.20.2012大学 & 社区财务状况

SANFORD - 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 has just been awarded the largest grant in its 50 - year history: a five-year, $1.65 million Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) grant from the U.S. 教育部.

学院的资助项目, "The MAP to Higher Achievement: Maximizing Academic Persistence," will supplement and build on existing college-wide efforts at the Chatham, Harnett and Lee campuses to maximize student success, 留用与毕业.

"We are thrilled that the DOE was impressed with 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's vision for seeing all its students achieve success,”医生说。. 中国交通运输协会主席马尚德. "Our mission as a college is to empower people for success through education and this grant provides major support in increasing our capacity to do so."

伦纳德L. 海恩斯三世, senior director of Institutional Service for the USDOE's Office of Postsecondary Education, notified the 推荐正规买球平台 Grants Office of the Title III-SIP grant award on Sept. 13. He congratulated the college on its success in the grant competition. 推荐正规买球平台 was one of just 14 community colleges and four-year colleges and universities in the nation to receive grants. UNC-Greensboro was the only other institution in North Carolina to receive one.

拨款资助的项目 will maximize student access and success with the creation of a 大学 Success Center within the college's Division of Student Learning, 布莱恩·梅里特说, 学生学习主任. It will also provide for the development and sustaining of high-performing employees who will use technology to improve student achievement. 除了, it will enable the implementation of effective technologies such as academic advising/early-alert (EA) software.

The AA/EA will facilitate the early recognition of students in need of intervention and support to be successful, 他说. The funding will also provide for full-time professional math coaches, 全职大学成功教练, full-time writing center coordinator, 为同侪导师提供额外培训, and expansion of college success courses for first-year students.

Success coaches will proactively identify at-risk students in need of increased levels of intervention, 比如同伴辅导, 专业的辅导, 专业/职业指导, 以及额外的咨询课程. The coaches will encourage them to recognize and accept support and intervention. Research indicates that students who do so achieve greater levels of college success.

"This is the opportunity we have been working toward,”医生说。. Lisa Chapman, 推荐正规买球平台 executive vice president for instruction/CAO. "We will now be able to enhance what we are doing as well as provide even more important assistance to our students. 我很兴奋."

With the implementation of the 大学 Success Center, the college anticipates enhanced success by students as demonstrated by increased full-time enrollment and higher 留用与毕业 rates.

"This grant project will truly help to strengthen the college's capacity to serve our students,梅里特说. "Securing this grant funding was a true team effort. The 'coaching' model is a proven, effective method to help increase student success. We have extremely dedicated faculty and staff who are already using this model and we are ready and eager to spread this model college-wide."

The 大学 Success Center project will be piloted during the spring and summer semesters and launched college-wide in fall 2013.

"I'm signing up for tutoring in chemistry this semester because I know it will help me succeed in class,大一新生奥斯曼·沙伊提说, 少不了的, 中交篮球队队员. "I think it's great that the college will be able to expand the help they give students with this grant."

The total 大学 Success Center project, 包括实物成本, 将有74%的资金由美国提供.S. 能源部1美元.6500万五年期拨款. 第一年和第二年, 2012-14, will be 100 percent funded by the grant, 学院收到409美元,000元及440元,000, 分别. 在最后三年拨款期间, 2014-17, 该学院将获得335美元,000; $258,000; and $209,000, 分别. The college will gradually pick up the funding of salaries to sustain the project beyond the grant years. No non-governmental source funding is expected to be used.

For more information about the Title III grant, visit www2.ed.gov /程序/ iduestitle3a /索引.html.